Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Do ever wake up and think it's Saturday only to figure out that it's Tuesday, but then you get going in your day only to realize that it's REALLY Wednesday?  Yes. That's how it's been for me since August.

And I just looked at the calendar to count down the weeks until our Minnesota vacation and realized that not only is it really Wednesday, but also that it is JUNE!

How did that happen? Was I really in a chocolate cupcake daze most of May?  I saw a news article today that said increased sugar levels effect memory. I don't recall why, or the majority of the article because I was focused on the handful of cookies before me. But if the part I do remember is true.... then that may be why it is all of a sudden June, and I can't recall most of...the past 8 months.

This one had my name on it.

So did these three.

All the ones I frosted looked like, well...piles of poo.

Bet you can figure out which one was frosted by the "professional"

Anyway. Happy May Day.

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